uploads/mountain green.jpg

mountain green 孔雀石。

mountain group

Hill - between mountain disorderit , qiao vertical wall , pines jin li , incredible stack cliff , the water below the bridge , on the foothills of the mountains green and white jade alone pick a statue elderly , the hills are slowly waving taijiquan , next to the old aficionado quietly watch a distance of a pavilion there are in a superior fashion since music is really happy 山子間山體嶙峋,俏壁陡立,蒼松勁立,層巒疊嶂,山下小橋流水,山腳的山路上綠白色獨玉摘雕一位老人,正在山間緩緩的打著太極拳,旁邊的老友儀態安詳的觀賞著,遠方的一座涼亭中還有一位高人在撫琴自樂,好不快活。

Let ' s undertake the mission of advocating , save the forest and the ocean , protect each inch of the land , and make the mountains greener forever 讓我們攜起手來,積極開展宣傳活動,留下茂密的叢林留下那蔚藍的大海,保護每一寸空間,讓明天的山更青,更綠!

Everything is awoke . they open their eyes . the mountains green , the water become more . the sun ' s face gets red 一切都象剛睡醒的樣子,欣欣然張開了眼。山朗潤起來了,水漲起來了,太陽的臉紅起來了。